McClung News Journal
April '03
How It All Started...Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6-Big Day
Page 7-Dengue
Page 8-Recovery
Page 9
Page 12
End of First Year
Back in 'Nam
September '02
Better Sept
October '02
Autumn '02
November '02
Dec/Jan '03
January 2003
Feb/March '03
April '03
May '03
Trinidad Trip
School's Out Again
Sept. '03
Sept. Part 2
Oct/Nov '03
Nov '03
Dec '03
Jan 2004
Feb/March '04
April/May '04
Leaving Suriname

After some trying weeks, things began to look up again as we continued to plow ahead...

Sunday, April 6, 2003
                                    Dear Friends,
                                    from Hot and Humid Suriname.  We hope that it is warming up where 
you are.  After a few difficult weeks,
                                    we have several upbeat praises 
                                    share with you!  I am in the process of updating our webpage, and I 
have had the opportunity to reflect back on this school year.  I have 
                                    how much we've been through this year, but I want to praise God 
for all the trials and victories that we have been given. 
temptation (or
                                    test) has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God 
is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are 
able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you 
may be able to bear it." I Corinthians 10:13 (NKJV).  God is faithful 
                                    keep all of the promises He made to us.
First, let me update you on our home security status.  As you know, we 
                                    broken into last month.  Although we don't have insurance here, 
slowly God has made up for a few of our losses: 
                                    A student at school gave 
                                    a nice discount on a brand new VCR from her parent's store, I have 
ordered a new power cord for the laptop-it should arrive here at the end 
of this week, a lot of encouragement from the Suriname community has 
been poured out to us, and a lot of encouragement from our students-this 
has indeed been a blessing.  Satan
                                    tries his best to discourage us:  
through sickness, through negative people, through break-ins, through 
drunk drivers running over Patricia, through no renters for our home in 
NC; but this just goes to show that we are doing exactly what the Lord 
has called us to do here.  The more
                                    we do for God, the angrier the enemy 
becomes.  We have victory over the enemy through Jesus Christ our 
Lord...Well, I kinda got off track (I must be turning into a preacher!)...the
home security...well, we have
                                    an iron gate installed at the top of our 
upstairs.  It looks like a jail cell door, but this is a wonderful addition 
to our home.  We lock it at night
                                    and when we are away.  Everything of 
value is now kept upstairs.  We had
                                    new locks installed and the doors 
                                    very secure.  We have new screens where the baddies slit the old 
ones.  We have a wonderful Rottweiler
                                    named Nina who is viciously racist 
                                    non-white people and she shows her aggression towards people who 
pass by (I'm getting a Rottie when we move back for good!). And we now 
have the entire outside of our home lit up at night.  It is so bright, 
                                    said that she needed her sunglasses.  We hired local security 
to watch our home throughout each night. 
                                    So, we are very pleased that 
                                    light exposes the darkness around our home (see Ephesians 5:8-14) 
and we trust that God will continue to protect us.
                                    so much for your prayers on our behalf.  We know that God has 
answered and is protecting.  Before
                                    we hired the security and got the 
                                    installed this past week, it was evident that the thieves had 
returned on at least 2 occasions.  We discovered
                                    that a new screen that we 
                                    had been slit again (this was within 2 weeks of the original 
burglary).  Nina is kept in the house at night,
                                    because it is common 
                                    for thieves to poison dogs.  She went nuts barking on the night 
they slit the screen.  And a week
                                    later, the guard next door told us 
                                    2 men were running through our yard early one morning that week.  So, 
God protected us. The very next day, we had the lights installed and we 
hired the security.  We have peace
                                    and a true sense of security.  We 
have no fear because we know who is in control.
                                    this past month has kept me very busy.  It seems that I have been 
on the sermon circuit.  God continues
                                    to give me opportunities to 
                                    the message at our local church once a month (the most recent one 
was on the book of Ephesians-thank you Pastor Barry). 
                                    I am giving 
                                    sermon tonight at the Missionaries' international service.  I have 
invited a lot of our high school students to come out tonight.  Next 
                                    Palm Sunday, I again have the awesome privilege to speak at our local 
church.  At school, during chapel, I spoke about
                                    peer-pressure (the 
                                    effects of wrecking my dad's car when I was in high school [due 
to peer pressure] and then the positive effects of peer pressure 
[Shadrack, Meshack, and Obendego]).  At
                                    after-school bible study, I had the 
                                    experience of teaching about the significance of the Lord's 
Supper. We then participated in the Lord's Supper together. This was a 
first for most the students!  It
                                    was excellent!!
Patricia's girls' bible study continues to go really well.  Keep her 
                                    her girls in prayer.  This week, she is making the final arrangements 
for the class trip to Trinidad.  Please
                                    keep in prayer that all the 
                                    are worked out.  A special praise, as it looks as if dear friends 
of ours, Rob and Amy Krieg, will be joining us on this trip.  What an 
                                    time for fellowship.  Please keep in prayer for Rob and Amy's 
availability to join us.
                                    is attending the Ladies Group at our local church.  This past 
week, she was given the opportunity to give the devotion.  It was on 
                                    the Mind of Christ".  It went very well. 
                                    The ladies were very 
                                    and involved.
We request prayer for a local family here in our local church.  The 
                                    name is Randy.  He has a large kidney stone and may need surgery.  
They are
                                    asking for praying in regards to wisdom and Randy's pain.  
This family has been very welcoming to Patricia and myself, and we count 
them as good friends.
                                    prayer request-Please pray for us this week as the 
                                    Team will be here to evaluate the school.  This is the final step for 
accreditation.  Satan has fought
                                    this process tooth and nail.  Please 
pray that all goes smoothly and that our school is granted 
Accreditation.  We will not know
                                    the results until June.
Wow, our 10 months has quickly turned into 10 weeks!  We just have 10 
                                    weeks in Suriname.  We have started our Fourth Quarter at school.  
                                    Break is next week.  Time flies when you have fun. 
                                    Please be 
praying for
                                    teachers for next year and a new administrator.  Pray that 
God calls the right people to come to ACS.
                                    you happen to be making out your summer schedules and would like for 
Patricia and me to speak at your church this summer (only 10 weeks 
away) please drop us a line to schedule a tentative date for us to speak.
                                    ask that you continue to pray for renters for our home in NC.  We 
are praying for our troops in Iraq.  We
                                    know that you are praying too.  
We also pray for President Bush.  Personally,
                                    I stand behind him 110%.  
I feel that this is the right thing and part of God's overall plan.  It 
is sad
                                    to see how dark and evil this world truly is.  The media is so 
deceptive and biased.  The media
                                    here in Suriname falsely reported that 
                                    was housing 1500 Iraqi POWs-they eventually said that it was 
an April Fool's Day joke.  Just goes to show that
                                    the media is 
deceitful.   I pray that we all can shine through this darkness, and that during 
this dark hour, people may see the Light of Christ shine through us.
                                    am slowly updating our website.  I've added this year's monthly 
update letters to the Online Journal section and I am slowly adding updated 
pictures of our students to the album page "Awesome Pics".  Just follow 
                                    links.  If you get a chance this week, check out the site:
In Christ's Love,
John and Patricia

May '03