General Email Annoucncement...(Tues. Oct. 17, '00)
Hello people!
I hope that the Lord is blessing each and every one of you. My wife, Patricia, and I have
some EXCITING news! We are certain that the Lord is leading us into full-time missions!! We are "WOWed"
how the Lord has started things moving SO FAST! We plan to answer the call by teaching children of missionaries.
Many options have opened up; so we ask that you pray for us in regarding the direction that the Lord wants us to go.
We are looking at Wycliffe Bible Transalators, which have positions in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and other
places. Also, we are considering a school in Suriname, South America; which is through Network of Christian International
Schools. If any of you know of anything personally in regards to either of these organizations (positive/negative),
please share your insight! We ask for prayer regarding finances. I have some debt to take care of, and we have
to raise financial support. This is a challenge, but we are totally putting our faith in God. We know that
He handles the SMALL STUFF. Please pray specifically that God shows us exactly where He wants us to serve.
We are shooting to enter the field next Aug/Sept 2001. We are going to bathe this upcoming ministry in prayer,
so we need your prayers too! We ask for you to pray for our families...they are in the dark about these plans,
because we want to sit them down face to face over the Christmas holidays and tell them. This is one thing that
you don't tell your family over the phone!! "Guess what, Mom and Dad? We're leaving the country, and without
any money!!!" But we know that God provides; and we want to be obedient, deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow the
Lord! Please pray for us as often as you can. Please email us back, too!
We hope that God continues His blessings
on you all, In Him,
John and Patricia McClung
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