Sunday, June 9th, 2002
Happy Greetings Prayer Partners,
We are pretty much finished here
(for this school year)! We have school tomorrow (Monday), no school Tuesday (Year-end clean-up), and then the
school-year ends Wednesday at 9 am. This year has been such an awesome blessing that we can't believe that
it is over! Usually, as a teacher, I can't wait to get out of the door at the end of the year; however, Patricia
and I are rather saddened that the school year is ending.
As we reflect back on the past eleven months, God has revealed
the almighty power He has and that He is very much in control of ALL things. Sure, there has been ups and downs,
but God has kept His promises about being our shield and strength. We have SO much to share with you and we
look forward to spending some time together.
Thank you for your faithful prayers. Now we ask you to pray for
these things:
Our Residency status.....We find out Monday if we are now legal residents of Suriname---this
is so we won't have to purchase another visa to get back into the country in August. Pray that the governemnt grants
us residency.
Flying home.....We depart for the airport at 3 am Friday morning (2 am EDT). Please pray
that we go through immigration smoothly and that we have safe travel to Raleigh via Curacao and Miami. Our ETA for
Raleigh 10:30 pm Friday night.
Culture shock.....much has changed in the US since we've left, however we should
have a smooth adjustment.
Fellowship......Pray that the many opportunities of sharing with friends and family
will be stress-free as we have a hurried and harried schedule for this summer.
The Up-coming School Year.....Yes,
we are already looking forward to our return to Suriname in August. Many seeds have been planted and watered.
There is a true need here and that is why we are called to be here. We really love these kids!!
We will be
in New Bern on Saturday evening. If you happen to be near New Bern, NC, we will be sharing at our home church (Brice's
Creek) on Sunday, June 16th (Father's Day) at both morning services. We invite you to come on out and see what
God is doing in Suriname.
Also, Please pray for our summer travels as we will be travelling in NC, VA-DC area,
WV, KY, and OH.
Email us with any questions or comments before this Thursday.
"Finally, brethren, whatever things
are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of
good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things...and the God of peace
will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9 NKJV
Warmly, in Christ,
John and Patricia